terms of use

Table of Contents


1.1. These rules govern the relations between the Visitor/User/Customer and the Contractor for the provision of Services.

1.2. The Contractor posts information on the Website about the services offered, as well as other information related to the Contractor’s activities. Changes, including those concerning the provision of Services on the Website and their costs, are made unilaterally by the Contractor without prior notice to the User. The information is valid until the Contractor makes corresponding changes unless otherwise specified by the Contractor.

1.3. The full and unconditional acceptance of these Rules is the placement of an Order by the Customer in the manner established on the Website.


2.1. Website Visitor β€” a person who visits the Website without the intention of placing an Order.

2.2. User β€” a Website visitor who accepts the terms of this Agreement and wishes to place an Order on the Website.

2.3. Customer β€” a User who has placed an Order on the Website.

2.4. Contractor β€” the entity whose service descriptions are posted on the Website.

2.5. Website β€” the Internet site owned by the Contractor, located on the internet at https://banochkin.com/, where the Services are presented.

2.6. Services β€” informational services provided by the Contractor and available for ordering on the Website.

2.7. Order β€” a properly formatted request by the Customer for a service chosen on the Website.


3.1. By providing their personal data when submitting an order form on the Website, the Customer consents to the Contractor processing and using their personal data in various ways for the purposes stated in this Agreement, in accordance with Federal Law β„– 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated 27.07.2006.

3.2. The Contractor uses the Customer’s personal data for the purposes of: β€” processing the Customer’s Order on the Website; β€” communicating back with the Customer.

3.3. Personal data collected by the Contractor includes: β€” the Customer’s name; β€” the Customer’s phone number; β€” the Customer’s email address.

3.4. The Contractor undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Customer. Disclosure is not considered a breach of obligations if the duty to disclose is mandated by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.


4.1. The Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally make changes to these rules. Changes to the terms of these rules take effect after their publication on the Website.