Indexme service leaks your sites

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I use the service, helps to index sites in Yandex. It became interesting how it works, went to the source code, and there - palava! Service leaks the links that you sent to indexing. It started with the fact that I was a little confused by the code of the form, thanks to this and began to “dig”.


Looking further. There is one curious script plugged into the footer.

<script src=assets/formoid/formoid.min.js></script>

At the beginning, you can see how the script accesses the domain where the authorization window hangs.


One query for “formoid” on Google easily finds an interesting service: Formoid - Beautiful CSS Form Generator. With its help you can create forms and collect data from them.

If you dig into the code, you can see that the form for entering sites is connected to Formoid. So Igor Zakrevskiy receives all the lists of links you submit for indexing. And there is obviously something interesting there. I know a couple of amateurs of one-page sites, looking for a niche for months, who used

I found out about the service from Devaki’s channel, there were some other mentions on the Internet, but only here.

The denouement of the story

After the post was published, the author played dumb and published a retraction. The code wasn’t malicious, I’m paranoid, but it was removed anyway. ๐Ÿค”

Here’s more info ๐Ÿ˜…

And the idea of the service is good, really helps to drive sites into the index of Yandex. That’s why I wrote down an analog in an evening.

Alternative to

Indexer - Indexer of sites in Yandex. You open the service in Yandex.Browser, insert the list of pages to run, click “Let’s go” and leave the computer. I do not minimize the browser, leaving the focus on the window, maybe that’s why this way of running in the index works. Service is completely free, it doesn’t steal data. It still needs to be improved - you can’t customize the delay, now it’s 15 seconds.

Keep your data safe

Dude is smart, he probably got a lot of interesting sites to analyze. But he could have done a better job of hiding the sending of urls. Too bad webmasters leak sites and aren’t even aware of it. Eh.